Literaryfollies Blog
I've been hearing a lot lately about "not expecting anyone to save us." The political climate is pitiful at the moment and opinions vacillate between who can save us to we better do something ourselves, but not so that we get Martial Law declared on us. Did we ever think we would see the country being torn down so rapidly? So vapidly? I find myself getting angry at politicians who seem to be allowing it all to unfold, destruction at every turn while actions are "writing a strongly worded letter" to "someone." Do we listen to our intuition? Is our intuition to be trusted? Writing prompt: Do you think we falsely rely on the idea of someone saving us? Writing prompt: Is the idea of someone saving us a bad idea, or something that brings relief? Or something in between? I've also heard that is it good to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. How much more "worst" will we see before this insanity is stopped? Today I am grateful for a delicious dinner of Thai food. Today I can give from my heart, a smile and kindness to a stranger. The letter I sent last night to several Democratic officials: Our elected officials must call out this constitutional crisis publicly. Our country is in crisis and we need our leaders to step up. We elected you, we pay you and this is an emergency. An illegitimate President was allowed to take control of this country, even after he admitted that he cheated. We are now being psychologically attacked and every foundation of our country is being dismantled. Concentration camps are being built to house immigrants!The president is using his perceived power as a weapon against us.We need you to publicly call out this Constitutional Crisis. Use that exact term: Constitutional Crisis Saying the actions of POTUS are illegal is NOT enough, especially since he doesn't care about the law and he has many loyalist in charge or enforcing the law. Please publicly state the severity of the crisis we are in immediately. We are running out of time. The time has come to get loud for the sake of everyone who voted you in. The Democratic side has been quiet and inactive for too long and decorum failed us because the Republicans do not play by the rules any more. Fight for us, or be complicit in the downfall of our country. Choose your legacy. Be on the right side of history. CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. Publicly call it out now. Constitutional crisis template from constitutional scholar St Gael (I reworded my message to the reps) #writingprompt #politicalmessages #SaveOurDemocracy #ConstitutionalCrisis #TakeAction #SaveOurDemocracy #ConstitutionalScholar
Trauma and ETS+ ETS+ flower essence formula has been one of my essence go-to staples for years now. Last Thursday I heard the sound of rushing water.... coming from a burst pipe. Turning off the water, heading out to purchase a wet dry vacuum, plus some water, portable heaters, through it all, I made sure to take ETS+ at regular intervals. I also took a couple of doses of Essence of Perelandra (or EoP, fondly) during the night. I felt extraordinarily clear headed throughout my decisions. I very much encourage everyone to have a bottle of ETS+ within reach, and also keeping a bottle in your car. Writing prompt: What is the worst thing that could happen, and how can you keep your balance if it does? Writing prompt: What good has come from the unimaginable happening in your life? Today I am grateful for things I learned in the burst pipe experience. (I survived!) Today I can give from my heart: remember to see the beauty in a situation. Library seed swap program preparation by the dedicated librarians: #writingprompt #ETS+ #burstpipe #lifesevents #water #coping #whenthingshappen #Perelandraessences #EssenceofPerelandra
Scottish poet and lyricist, born on this day in 1759. In 2009 we celebrated Robert Burns 250th birthday with my grandmother, her grandfather was born in Scotland in 1834. I've always felt much love for my Scottish connections.. We enjoyed special traditional Scottish dishes that I adapted to our diets: mine being vegetarian and hers being a more sensitive stomach. I made a tape recording of some Scottish songs for us to enjoy. I printed out special menus for the meal and the celebration. Writing prompt: Celebrate a holiday today. Writing prompt: Create a celebration for each day this week. Today I can give from my heart: a celebration of the good things that surround me Today I am grateful for a wonderful walk in the park with my little bundle of love not hurting her feet from ice and cold. #writingprompt #anniversaries #celebrate #planningacelebration #RobertBurns #Scotland #1759 #2009 #AuldLangSyne
I felt this was a timely reminder of actions you can take when encountering bullies. I have savored every Carol Bly book I have discovered since 1999. From 1996, weighing almost two pounds and offering a generous 535 pages, it is relevant reading, even today. Maybe especially today, in early 2025. "'Carol Bly is a one woman army fighting moral drift and the bullies of the world. Her book will inspire others to join the fight. Changing the Bully Who Rules the World uses literature and the social sciences to examine solutions to our cultural problems. Her analysis is complex, incisive and hopeful.'" -- Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia Writing prompt: Write about an ethical idea or story that has deep meaning for you. Writing prompt: How might you inspire someone to at differently, with writing through an ethical lens? Today I am grateful for: chores done early, my little bundle of love beside me (Midge the Silky terrier) Today I can give from my heart: a story that means something for both me as a writer, as well as the receiver. #writingprompt #ethics #bullies #essays #ChangingTheBullyWhoRulesTheWorld #CarolBly
Reposted from Four Paws Acupuncture on YouTube: #MLKDay #MartinLutherKingDay #Animals #MLKAndAnimals
'You Can't Take It With You' is a movie I've always said you should watch once a year. From 1938 and directed by Frank Capra, it has familiar Capra themes about the goodness in people when they look out for each other, and when they look after each other. 'Harvey' is from 1950 and also has themes of being unconventional and being original, but with an added character in the form of Harvey invisible rabbit who is Jimmy Stewart's friend. I cant imagine who else would be better in these roles, Jimmy Stewart is perfect! Writing prompt: Have you done something spontaneous today? Writing prompt: Write about your invisible friend. What do you mean you don't have one? Are you sure? Today I am grateful for having my needs met, and feeling supported. Today I can give from my heart the gift of true empathy, from the other's point of view. #Writingprompt #JimmyStewart #FrankCapra #YouCantTakeItWithYou #Harvey #1938 #1950 #JimmyStewartMovies #Inspiration #PointOfView
He was a mailman for decades, a church custodian volunteer for decades too. He grew up in Racine, Wisconsin in a boarding house his mother owned after his father's death. Before that, he was a pin setter in Big Ed's Bowling Alley. Big Ed was my great grandfather. My great grandmother won state of Wisconsin awards for being a women's champion bowler. My grandfather was also an Eagle Scout. I still have his mailman's hat (circa 1960s) and some of his Eagle Scout badges, (circa 1920s) but more than that, he was a perfect grandfather to us and a perfect great grandfather to our children... Happy 116th Birthday Grandpa George! Writing prompt: Write about someone who made a wonderful difference in your life Writing prompt: Write about your grandparents and their lives. Today I am very grateful for having a Grandpa George, and also a Grandpa Louis for my full childhood and into adulthood. Today I can give from my heart a gift of service. #writingprompt #Grandfathers #GreatGrandfathers #Bowling #EagleScout #Mailman #legacy #gendarmes #toolbench #ringboxes #buildthings
If you need a boost, watch the Mr. Rogers testimony to congress to defend funding for the non profit public broadcasting. If you need inspiration, read Mr. Rogers' words. If you need hope, read about Mr. Rogers' legacy Writing prompt: Give some thought to your legacy. What will you be proud to leave behind? Writing prompt: Imagine 50 years after you have lived your life. What will endure? Today I am grateful for being able to enjoy the legacy of Mr. Rogers. Today I can give from my heart: hope, inspiration, a boost that can remain Below: Mr. Rogers testimony video and Mr. Rogers enjoying a foot bath with François Clemmons #WritingPrompt #MrRogers #FredMcFeelyRogers #MrRogersNeighborhood #FrancoisClemmons #AKinderWorld
Since discovering Zhoug sauce at Trader Joes's a few years back, I quickly sought out recipes so I could make my own fresh sauce at home. Finding a recipe is pretty easy, the main ingredients are cilantro, jalapeno pepper, garlic, cumin and cardamom. The last two times I made it, I baked the garlic and the jalapeno in the oven for ten minutes, to tone down the sharpness just a bit. I cut the recipe down or I freeze leftovers (never for very long because it is so delicious) and I use ore water than oil in my recipe. That's the thing about recipes, you tweak them to your taste... There was that time when the store was out of organic cilantro and I cautiously tried Italian parsley. The results were delicious, but I definitely prefer cilantro. But that's the thing about recipes, be willing to experiment because you won't know until you try. Writing prompt: ways you have found balance in your day Writing prompt: ways you can make sure you have balance and a solid foundation Today I can give from my heart: reassurance to follow your heart Today I am grateful for organic cilantro and nongmo noodles. Word of warning: read ingredients carefully. This looks like your regular olive oil, but on closer inspection, it's only 20% olive oil. #writingprompt #zhougrecipe #cilantro #oliveoil #reassurance #steadfast #balance #cooking #recipes
Environmental reassurance and help from my favorite tools. They can be found at Perelandra Writing prompt: How can you best help others in this moment? Writing prompt: What do you have to give that only you can give? Another place I feel I can offer help is from your guides, invisible helpers and angel friends. You might like to begin with your guardian angels, or you can put out a call to your teachers and guides. You might begin with asking for angelic protection to surround you and your environment. Give thanks. I can give from my heart: sharing resources and angelic help. Today I am grateful for: social media so resources can be shared. (and I am not always grateful for social media) Donate: #writingprompt #fire #donations #waystohelp #PasadenaHumaneSociety #giving #resources #findstrength
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