Literaryfollies Blog
Celebrating the power of the individual with Perelandra and the first of the month process that honors the planet: Writing prompt: What are some ways to incorporate more nature into your life? Writing prompt: Have a conversation with nature. Record your experience. After some time has passed, record your insights. Printable card: #writingprompt #wordprompt #nature #oneperson #poweroftheindividual #strength #climatechangestress #EssenceofPerelandra #EoP #firstofthemonth #seasons #halfwaytoautumn
From merriam-webster: noun · the courage to support unpopular causes · a challenge that will test your mettle · her spirit was unbroken by failure · the resolution of pioneer women. I like those examples to define tenacity. When I think of tenacious, most often I think of plants: gardens, wildflowers, "weeds" and their tenacity to grow everywhere, even through tiny cracks in concrete. Writing prompt: What is a place where is one place you could be more tenacious in your life? Writing prompt: Where would it be good if you were less tenacious, just letting things be for a while? #writingprompt #wordprompt #tenacity #power #growth #gardening #tiny #seedlings
What part of your brain are you using when you feel inspired, creative, spontaneous? Can you call up these feelings at will or are you at the whims of the mass consciousness currents? Are the planets affecting you more than you'd like to admit? Writing prompt: Experiment with music, color, word play, collaboration, present moment attention. When do you experience a shift? Writing prompt: Can you have more moments of force-less-ness? More moments of silence, just a few seconds throughout the day. #writingprompt #wordprompt #clever #ingenuity #skills #imagination #inthemomentthinking #silence #flow #awareness #art
Do your daily thoughts sometimes slip into thoughts about inequality? Maybe some 'poor me' stuff, when things aren't going as superbly as you'd hoped? How do you react in times of high stress? Have you created a "toolbox" for your stressful interludes? You deserve one if you haven't created one already. Writing prompt: Do you think we are all equal, in the sense that we all get opportunities, choices, and help, whether that's from sources within ourselves, or sources outside ourselves? Writing prompt: If you could completely change who you are, where you live, anything about your life at this moment. what would that be, and why? #writingprompt #wordprompt #equality #diversity #collaboration #Life #Living #reality #dream #imagination #toolbox
I tend to loath competition, (example: my earlier post about other drivers jockeying for position on roads..) but when is competition a good thing? This week (until August 11) we are treated to the Olympics, we marvel at the amazing athletic performances and new records set. Often athletes surpass their own records, and that is exciting. Do you do that for yourself? Observe your daily activities and try to do better today that you did yesterday? (Or at least no worse - i find that most helpful when it comes to housecleaning, haha) Writing prompt: Surprise yourself today by completing, surpassing, finishing up or changing direction with something you're doing. Writing prompt: Can you envision this coming week outdoing your own expectations? #writingprompt #wordprompt #competition #strive #achievements #strength #self #Selfcare #recordsetting #onetinything #accomplishments #goldmedal #acceptance #wins #awardwinning
A shout out to two women I adore, and they have made life changing differences in my life: Sarra Cannon and Katharyne Shelton. How many emails do you receive in one day? Whose emails do you keep and actually read? For me that's Sarra's and Katharyne's, every time! My affiliate codes for sign ups: Writing prompt: Ready for a new adventure? Writing prompt: How does community support you? Sustain you? Gather 'round!
For the AMAZING 'Imagine' course:
#writing #writingprompt #wordprompt #writinggroup #adventure #new #stories #time #creativity #SarraCannon #KatharyneShelton #CreativeQueens #GitRDone
I am well acquainted with my addictions. I know how far I can go in indulgences so that I don't cross that line. But this was something new to me, the idea that we humans are born creators - that we are meant to build things, and then build again; constant creations. That I didn't have to feel bad for seeking out the next shiny object, because there will always be a next shiny object, and one after that, and so on.. (In my case, most recently, I've loved taking the Orin courses on Divine Will (see for more info.) I savor the current course I'm taking, then eagerly look ahead to the next course and the next one and so on. That is okay! Keep build, keep being inspired, but find your balance, your moderation and temperance so that you don't experience overwhelm. Writing prompt: Life is good. How? Writing prompt: write about what inspires you, what keeps you "in check with yourself" because that's what matters. #wordprompt #writingprompt #temperance #moderation #overwhelm #Adjustments #create #build #humancreations #creativity
What do you do when you are seeking a solution? Do you take action out of habit, then see if the actions you take are successful and you feel you've made progress? Do you reward yourself, or seek out comforts, or both, sometimes..? Writing prompt: How does your intuition factor in as you're devising new solutions, new steps to take? Writing prompt: What about doing something backwards, starting at the finish line, the end point, then seeing what steps got you there? #writingprompt #wordprompt #resourcefulness #strategy #guides #useful #adaptability #strength #innerguidance #ingenuity #able #capable
Studying Divine Will is wonderful for your spiritual self, your LOA self, your setting intentions self and your motivated self. More here: and here and here and here: Manifesting With Divine Will | Creating Ideal Relationships | Transmitting Divine Will | Becoming Your Soul | Awakening Divine Love | Strengthening Self-Love | Transforming Your Emotions | Illuminating Your Mind | Knowing Your Life Purpose | Increasing Abundance | Receiving Inner Guidance | Expanding Your Creativity | Evolving Your Body | Creating a Supportive Environment | Living a Soul Life Writing prompt: How do you find yourself taking action when you're inspired? Writing prompt: How do you keep moving and keep being motivated? Do you need daily nudging? Do you need to make it fun? What makes it fun for you? #writingprompt #wordprompt #DivineWill #WillToInitiate #SevenDivineWills #StayMotivated #Keepgoing #inspiration #sharing #takeaction #prayer #energized
"Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for." Ray Bradbury. I wrote this out some time ago, and taped it up on my wall where it has remained, fading with time.. I love the wisdom of Ray Bradbury. His vision, his love of words and using them, creating with them. His inspiration. We writers are inspired by everything, including other writers. I lvov that i bought this Ray Bradbury book, already used and worn in. Writing prompt: follow Ray Bradbury's advice and write something you love today. Writing prompt: savor some alone time, autonomy. Writing has to be done alone sooner or later #writingprompt #wordprompt #self #oneness #autonomy #innerstrength #selfreliance #RayBradbury #Dandelionwine #Zenandtheartofwriting #releasingyourinnerwriter
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