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Emily Dickinson poem: I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there's a pair of us! Dont tell! they'd banish us – you know! How dreary – to be – Somebody! How public – like a Frog – To tell your name – the livelong June – To an admiring Bog! I'm Nobody! Who are you? Emily Dickinson being authentically herself. Writing prompt: Who are you? Writing prompt: Who have you been? Do you sense cycles of being in your life? A seven year or a ten year cycle are popular ideas. Can you find your most authentic self within the idea of cycles? #writingprompt #wordprompt #authentic #beyourself #genuine #memyselfandI #FlorenceHarrison #womenartists #lifecycles #poetry #mypoems #selfdiscovery
Used in a sentence (my own example) and a writing prompt: She had a peculiar tradition of dishonesty that would show up at the last minute in extraordinary circumstances. I've often marveled at the way her mind works. Writing prompt: What happens next? Writing prompt: The best tradition I've created is also the most fun. What is it? #writingprompt #wordprompt #tradition #honesty #setinmyways #routine #growth #change #newthings #honor
Her reverence for the Green Bay Packers was something to behold, from the green and yellow mailbox all the way to the Packers flag firmly attached to her Cooper Mini. Just make sure to avoid her after the Packers lose a game. None of us like mediocrity, but we all reverence perfection.--Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad, 1880 Writing prompt: Use reverence in a sentence. Have some fun! Writing prompt: Use one of reverence's other meanings in a sentence. #wordprompt #writingprompt #honoring #respect #revere #worship #venerate #adore #reverence #reverencing
Optimism.. another one of those power words that lies between a mindset and an emotion. When I feel optimistic, it gives me that extra push to move forward with tasks. Some days are easier than others. Paired with our power word from yesterday - 'intuition' how can we activate these two as drives in our lives? Writing prompt: Do you have habits, activities, or routines that inspire optimism? Writing prompt: What can you do to become more optimistic? Do you think effort is required? #writingprompt #wordprompt #optimism #intuition #stateofmind #ideas #belief #hope #gatheringofideas
If intuition is knowledge without logical thought, then were does it come from? I think when we trace thoughts, intuition, and emotions back to their source(s), we will find energy patterns and energy movements. Writing prompt: How much do you use your intuition during your normal daily routine? Writing prompt: Did you every rely on intuition to make a business decision? Thoughts on the results? #wordprompt #writingprompt #intuition #guidance #knowingness #trustyourgut #energypattern #thoughts #emotions #instinct
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain. I lvoe Mark Twain's writing, this quote is one I'll have to ponder a bit.. I do know that there are several different processes - take action steps one can apply to forgive a person, an incident or thing that may feel like it's holding you back, or dragging you down. The afterward of forgiveness can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. That's when extra care, kindness and forgiveness of self comes in especially handy. Writing prompt: Assess your life. Are there any past incidences that would lighten your heart if there was forgiveness? Writing prompt: Write about how you being forgiven made a difference in your life. #writingprompt #wordprompt #thepast #lettinggo #release #strength #ease #power #violets #heart #joy #notes #assessment #process #humility #vulnerability
Communication, and thinking about the communicating, or the lack of communicating I do with myself. How often do we really listen to an ache or a pain, how often do we hear that we need to slow down, take care of ourselves or take a much needed action? How much are we listening to ourselves? Let's begin with the body, which holds many treasures if we know how to listen, how to communicate. Writing prompt: What is your body telling you to do right now? Writing prompt: what would you like to do to better hear and exchange information, or energy (communicating) with yourself, and how will this help you communicate better with others? #writingprompt #wordprompt #communication #share #messages #signals #betweenus #informationexchange #rapport #bodymindconnection #energyexchange
Ah, now, appreciation is much easier than our power word for yesterday, which was tolerance. And I can appreciate that tolerance was a challenge. Appreciation is not a challenge at all. There are things to appreciate everywhere you look. Here's a special photo taken years ago on a camera, not a phone, of my nephew Max when we discovered a real angel in the woods. A natural snow formation of an angel, with bowed head and hands in prayer.. Writing prompt: write about an impromptu moment of appreciation, through your giving and/or receiving. Writing prompt: Does this moment still make you smile? #writingprompt #wordprompt #appreciation #tolerance #forgiving #everyday #family #friends #life #gratitude #angel #Max #prayer
Observing tolerance and acceptance in the world around me this morning. I'd like to enjoy some time in self-introspection of the nonjudgemental sort. How about you? Let's give ourselves a moment, shall we? Writing prompt: Do you judge yourself for your levels of tolerance? Writing prompt: Do you judge others on their levels of tolerance? Is that necessary? #writingprompt #wordprompt #tolerance #gathering #ability #acceptance #cooperation #weedtolerant #growth #introspection #nojudgement
The first time this word is recorded in use is in 1771 which is more recent than most of our other 'power words.' When I looked up what the difference was between responsibility and responsibility and accountability, this is what I found: task-focused. It relates to a person's role in completing a certain task. Accountability is results-focused. It relates to how a person reacts or owns the results of their task. Writing prompt: Where do you take too much responsibility in your life? Writing prompt: How do you balance the fine line of just the right amount of responsibility? #Writingprompt #wordprompt #responsibility #caring #accountability #relationships #responsible
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