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For more fun join Imagine today!! An Excerpt from The Perelandra Garden Workbook Over the years I've been asked what the Perelandra garden means to me. I can hardly believe the question is even asked, and I have barely been able to articulate a response. I keep wanting to say, "Isn't it obvious?" Friends say I am naïve to believe that it is. Now it's even a tougher question for me to answer. My partnership with nature has expanded to include many different kinds of gardens — some growing in soil and some I call "projects" that are not growing in soil. For example, The Perelandra Garden Workbook is a garden for me. No matter what kind of garden I'm working in, I still look to my partnership with nature to give me the vital information I need to successfully achieve each garden's goals. So with this expansion of my work in mind, here's my latest attempt to tell you what the partnership means to me and why I bother.
My partnership with nature is my life and my heart. Nature is my dear friend, my teacher and my key to the universe. I draw from it my questions, answers, approach and direction. How I live springs from what I've learned and experienced from our partnership. It is my access to truth and universal natural law. And my gardens are the demonstration of this played out before my eyes. It is my proof that truth and universal law course through all reality — and this includes any garden. My partnership has taught me about true power — my own and that which is contained in all life around me. About equality. About balance. About teamwork on a peer level. With nature I have experienced different environments and situations where the focus is maintained on the welfare of the individual parts as well as the health, balance and well-being of the whole. And I have experienced extraordinary results from that focus. Nature links me to the greater whole. This allows me to experience reality beyond space and time. It has taught me that life is truly beyond five-senses form and that form (five senses and beyond) is the essence of life itself. From this I have dramatically changed my thinking, what I know, my actions, how I perceive reality and my life. With a little luck, nature and I have inspired you. You're feeling that the time to start a garden is now. Right now. Tomorrow is too late. Of course you'd like to work directly with nature in your new garden, but perhaps this notion has overwhelmed you. And the practicalities of starting a garden have overwhelmed you as well. Then there's the size of The Perelandra Garden Workbook, and that has you thinking you don't have enough years left in your life to learn it all. Now you are overwhelmed beyond belief. To help you regain consciousness and start moving, I introduce you to Perelandra Gut Gardening! No, you won't be planting guts or even harvesting guts. You will be using guts — your guts, to be precise — to forge a partnership and to work consciously with nature in your garden. This couldn't be easier. No PKTT to learn and no testing to do. It's just you, your gut and nature. You may begin gut gardening with your already existing garden [Garden Workbook, p.29] or you may start a new garden from scratch. And if you don't have a plot of land, you may apply gut gardening to houseplants or potted deck plants or anything else you have growing in soil. All you have to do is activate your gut garden by doing the simple two-step process [below], and then you can get on with your adventure. ACTIVATING A GUT GARDEN [The Perelandra Garden Workbook, p.22] 1. Write down the description and goals (the DDP*) of your garden. For example: A kitchen garden with vegetables and herbs that can provide fresh produce through the late spring, summer and early fall for my family of four (two adults and two children ages eight and twelve). These are the vegetables my family won't eat and these are the vegetables my family loves: (write down each list of vegetables). Or: Potted deck plants filled with flowers that I will be able to maintain easily with my hectic schedule that includes working full time, taking care of our two kids and volunteering once a week at the local red cross. I'd like my deck and these flowers to give me a quiet place to rejuvenate and regain my balance. Or: The ten-acre field located just beyond the west end of the barn. I want this field for grazing our twelve sheep over the upcoming spring and summer. These are examples to give you an idea of what to include as you describe your "garden" and its goals. You are giving nature the definition, direction and purpose of your garden.** This is what nature will be using when giving you the information needed for creating and maintaining your garden in balance. You may have more or fewer people you will be feeding. You may want flowers in your kitchen garden, as well.*** You may want just an herb garden. It's up to you to define what kind of garden you want. Also, add any information about time constraints. The amount of time you can spend in your garden if you also work full-time and no one else in the family is willing or interested in joining you in the garden is different than the time a family of four who are all interested in gardening can put in. So don't be afraid to add realistic time issues. Remember, all gardening, and especially co-creative gardening, should be relaxing and fun, not torture. 2. Find a quiet spot, get comfortable and say the following (aloud): I want to activate a Perelandra Gut Garden for working consciously with nature and I want the following DDP to be the focus of the partnership. [Read aloud what you wrote down in step 1.] I ask that all relevant input from nature be given to me through my intuition, gut instinct or any other manner that is consistent with a Perelandra Gut Garden. That's it. You now have an activated co-creative garden and an eager partner who is looking forward to working with you. Congratulations! * DDP = Definition, Direction, Purpose ** DEFINITION: Vegetable garden. DIRECTION: Supply produce over the spring, summer and early fall. PURPOSE: Supply vegetables for my family of four (two adults and two children ages eight and twelve). These are the vegetables my family will not eat. *** Even if you don't include flowers or herbs in your vegetable garden, nature may include some of each in order to create a more balanced garden biosphere. It may even include a vegetable you listed that your family won't eat. For an herb garden you may need to include some flowers or vegetables. To achieve balance, we can't get ourselves locked in. In co-creative gardening, flexibility is key. |
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