Literaryfollies Blog
A wonderful thing to do is to let others know that their uniqueness is important and that you see it. Here is Mr. Rogers' song about being special because you're you. What an inspirational and wonderful man he was. Writing prompt: What is is the best unique thing about you? Writing prompt: How has being unique helped or hurt you? Today I am grateful for: Good traditions that make life fun! Today's Halloween movie is Tod Browning's 'Freaks' from 1932. A pre-code film from MGM starring Wallace Ford, Leila Hyams, Harry Earles, Olga Baclanova, and several sideshow performers.
#writingprompt #wordprompt #pictureprompt #uniqueness #creativity #joy #youarespecial #traditions #songs #writing #precode #Freaks #TodBrowning #1932 #WallaceFord #LeilaHyams #MGM #blackandwhite
Selflessness brings out the best in people - inspired giving, offering a helping hand, following an urging to tend to the needs of another. And we feel good too. Are we born to give? Are we conscious and selfless givers at a very young age? Writing prompt: Do you consider selflessness a sacrifice? Writing prompt: Observe the selflessness in someone you admire. How have they made life better for those around them? Today I am grateful for: the physical healing I'm experiencing in my legs, which are getting stronger so I can long walks like I used to. Today's Halloween classic is 'Dracula' from 1931! Directed by Tod Browning, starring Bela Lugosi, (as the polygamous Count) Helen Chandler, and Dwight Frye (as Renfield, the poor, unassuming clerk - he only visited The Count to get a signature!) Another Universal oldie from when talkies were still very new! These movie posters are works of art in themselves, aren't they? #writingprompt #wordprompt #selflessness #helpingothers #giving #energy #sharing #Dracula #Halloweenmonth #Renfield #TodBrowning #BelaLugosi #DwightFrye #Universalhorror #1931 #precode #horrorfilm
To persevere and find our way through the maze that is today. To persevere and grow and understand what we know and what there is to know. To persevere is to become more human and more found. Writing prompt: What tools do you use to help you persevere? Writing prompt: Reflect on amazing perseverance you've witnessed. Maybe in yourself! Today I am grateful for: my wonderful family and how it's growing. Today's Halloween movie is 'The Mystery of the Wax Museum' from 1933, starring the beautiful Fay Wray, with wonderful co-stars: Lionel Atwill, Frank McHugh and Glenda Farrell. Directed by Michael Curtiz. #writingprompt #wordprompt #pictureprompt #precode #FayWray #FrankMcHugh #GlendaFarrell #LionelAtwill #waxmuseum #1933 #Halloween #oldmovies #perseverance #MichaelCurtiz #madscientist #madscientistlaboratory #Vitaphone #WarnerBrothers
Leadership gets a bad rap sometimes. From me too. I'm always suspicious and critical of leaders, to make sure they don't overstep their positions. It's too easy for some people to seek out a leader to follow. Seems cults can come in many different guises. Good leadership can be found and supported too, when it deserves it. Writing Prompt: Who do you follow and why? Do you see the good and bad in that? Can you make a change when you need to? Writing prompt: Have you ever been following someone or some group and realized they were not good for you? Do you have good transition supports in place in your life? Today I am grateful for the wonderful variety of food I get to enjoy every day! Today's Halloween season movie is 'The Invisible Man' from 1933, starring Claude Rains, Gloria Stuart and Henry Travers. Directed by James Whale. #writingprompt #wordprompt #horrormovies #InvisibleMan #GloriaStuart #ClaudeRains #UniversalPictures #1933 #JamesWhale #leadership #cult #fatherfigure #motherfigure #lookupto #celebrateyou #31DaysOfHalloween #AUniversalPicture #CarlLaemmlePresents #JamesWhale
Growth is the name of the game, isn't it? What we're really doing here all day long is growing. The converse is stagnation. The newness of each day is astonishing if you ponder it. Although busyness usually takes precedent. There's a meditation that I enjoy doing often, and during the meditation Sanaya as Orin asks (paraphrasing) "Are you ready for your next step in growth?" and sometimes my answer is, "I think so." It feels scary sometimes, but growth is unavoidable. Writing prompt: What did you learn yesterday that really inspired growth? Writing prompt: What do you think the week ahead might offer you in terms of growth? Today I am thankful for: my growth and the opportunities that I am presented with that measure my growth. It's uncomfortable sometimes, but I really am grateful underneath it all. Today's movie is 'Mad Love' from 1935, featuring Colin Clive, Francis Drake and the delightfully mad doctor Peter Lorre. #writingprompt #wordprompt #growth #Madlove #PeterLorre #ColinClive #1935movie #horrorfilm #October #oldmovies #Hollywood #readyforgrowth #yournextsteps
Which can be paired with Boldness, yesterday's power word. Sometimes determination can be that extra push we need to complete a task. In another sense determination means to make a distinction. Each day, a little determination helps us to get there. Writing prompt: How did determination play a part in your achievement of something that you surprised yourself in completing? Writing prompt: Where do you find your determination works best for you? Today I am grateful for October, a new month. Today's horror film: The Devil-Doll. 1936 starring Lionel Barrymore and Maureen O'Sullivan. Directed by Tod Browning. #writingprompt #wordprompt #pictureprompt #determination #October #oldhorrorfilms #Autumn #Halloweenmonth #MaureenOSullivan #LionelBarrymore #Slightlyscary #Boo #TodBrowning
Do you find it easier to act with boldness on behalf of someone else? How often is it that we can act on behalf of another more easily than taking action for ourselves? This other person perspective can be hugely helpful when making decisions. Writing prompt: When has someone acted with boldness and that always stands out in your memory? Writing prompt: When have you acted with boldness that then inspired others to take action? Today I am grateful for: perfect timing. Even when it doesn't seem like it is. #writingprompt #wordprompt #pictureprompt #bebold #courage #help #thoughts #help
The more I have an understanding of how Inkscape works, the more it leads to understanding other things. It's take me several months to be able to use Inkscape to create documents for crafts in the library. Like Anthony Robbins once said, (paraphrased) "To understand something, learn about something else - anything else." I don't remember his exact words, but I do remember that his example included learning to be a helicopter pilot. The best recent example for Inkscape is that is has helped me with understanding how our minds work. It almost seems as if Inkscape was modeled after the human brain, but I think you could say that about many computer programs. I am thinking about Inkscape nodes and paths.. Writing prompt: Can you find connections between two seemingly unrelated subjects? Writing prompt: What can you learn about the subjects you chose? Today I am grateful for: one piece of advice given in one of my meditations: Withdraw your attention from the things that you don't want. Don't give them energy. #Writingprompt #wordprompt #understanding #inkscape #brain #energy #meditation #focus #withdrawenergy #inkscape #brain
We tend to think that self-actualization is a newer striving but perhaps it's always been a part of being human, at least when we think of Maslow's pyramid of needs. But maybe he got it upside down? Self-actualization strivings can support the other needs, and can offer solutions for the missing or displaced needs. Example: creativity and problem solving. Writing prompt: Is self-actualization a more recent striving? Writing prompt: Write about a character years ago, perhaps centuries ago, who yearned for self-actualization. Today I am grateful for my little neighborhood healthy pet food store: Peppo's Pets. from wikimedia, by Factoryjoe #writingprompt #wordprompt #needs #maslow #selfactualization #esteem #love #safety #Peppospets #healthypetfood #neighborhood
"Twenty-five years' experience among little children has taught me that in spiritual and moral perceptiveness, and intuitive knowledge of character, they are far nearer to the angels than we are." Amelia E. Barr from 'Little Children' I love it when a new discovery pops up when you didn't expect it. And I love a good dictionary! Writing prompt: What do you think Ms. Barr meant by that? Writing prompt: Do you agree, and why? Would you consider perceptiveness one of your positive traits? Today I am grateful for loved ones safe from the hurricane. Prayers to those in its path. #writingprompt #wordprompt #wayofseeing #AmeliaEBarr #LittleChildrenessay #maidswivesbachelors #projectgutenberg #Hoorayfordictionaries
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